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I had over 400 People in YTB

WHY DID I SWITCH to Traverus Travel

Join YTB for Free

Listen many people are being told to dig into thier pockets and get in position for some big announcement. and YTB Franchise "considerations". Listen I got a Call Yesterday from someone who was not told by a family Member that they could Join YTB for Free.

Like I tell people if its so good then let me join for free and show me how to recruit people and and earn the $500 to get started as an RTA from profit. Fact is if you Sell 6 other people to get started in YTB That is only $300 in your Pocket you are Still Short $200 to get started.

Thats the reality of it now imagine your paying $50 a month still trying to make back your first $500 investment. In this Economy it is going to take you awhile to find 6 people to give you $500.

Join YTB for free and see the response you get when you show people the business and then tell them $500! If you are still friends after that.

Join Traverus and then Call them up and say hey you can get started now for under $200. Watch the difference. It's simple and that is how different it is working Traverus than it is YTB. More people are able to Join. That is Why 80% of the entire company in Traverus Got a Check Last Week!

It took YTB 3 years to get 3k people...Traverus did it in 6 months.

It took YTB 5 years to get 10k people...Traverus did 10k in a little over a Year.

The writting is on the wall as Traverus is the only Fully International Company in over 98 Countries that we will be the Largest Travel Network.

Monday, July 21, 2008

YTB Travel Franchises

YTB Travel Franchises

The more YTB reps I speak to the more people are starting to really see why the Change in business Model to YTB Travel Franchises and why they are announcing it now if its only a Consideration. Think about it. You want to increase retention and reactivation so you speak about a mysterious coming Change 6 months from now. Folks I know there are some loyalist that are angry at me talking about this public announcement and question my integrity and motives as a marketer because I make it plain I want to let people know it does not Cost $500 to get into the Travel Industry. It cost $500 to fund a compensation plan for big bonuses for the upline leaders. That is the Truth.

That is why Traverus is a Good Alternative. YTB Franchises is going to cost more and they will tell you that you must be active to get involved and that it is an option. However all company directors and others are going to be pushing the new Franchise Period. YTB Franchises will be good for the top dawgs again the the little guy not seeing much success with the $500 RTA program in this economy will not see much more results selling a Franchise.

what really saddens me is that People are afraid to look at an opportunity that will be better for their families because of upline and peer pressure. I am myself was called everything but a man of God because I quit YTB and started Marketing my new business.

People who are doing research on the travel industry always run into information about YTB and Traverus and they want to know the difference. I decided to put the information in writting because knowing what it different is in High Demand and growing.

If you don't know what I am talking about These comments were made in an online Chat Forum.

YTB Agent 1 Said:
know the answer is in here somewhere.

I know the promotion has been extended.

I know there are 2 options RTA and CRTA, correct?

Fee's to join please as well as low end and high end(all the bells and whistles) monthly fees.

I really love travel. I really love the idea of booking travel and having my own travel agency so to speak and I need a Plan C in the event the changes at YTB do not work for me and my family.

I don't want a company that is more focused on recruiting than pushing their product, kwim? I would expect that most everyone recruits and books travel.

I'm interested also in case I need a Plan C.

I hope YTB folks don't get mad at me

But I am in this industry to provide for and make money for my family. In the event these changes are not a fit for me and my family I need to be prepared. There is a chance that the changes will not work for everybody. There will be winners and there will be losers, nothing wrong with that, that's life. I just want to be prepared.

Networker Reading the forum
I keep up with Traverus by their Sunday call.
(218) 486-1400 pin# 44023 At 9:45 EST. Someone can correct me if i'm wrong. If you do listen in get in early. I usually call in at 6:30 PST and wait for the call to begin.

For those who may feel a need to pm me, let me say I have made a committment to Pastor Brewer that if I ever decided to go with Traverus I would contact him.

I'm not in the travel industry, but I try to stay up to date on what's going on. Let me just say I did also look at YTB, but I didn't agree with the director requirements/limitations. That's not a shot at YTB, it was just something contractual I couldn't live with.

I totally agree with where you're coming from. I have a 4 week old and a work at home job with a zero tolerance background noise policy so needless to say I'm needing to replace my income in a decent period of time and don't really have the option of "waiting things out" for months on end (not to mention my hubby is not exactly keen on increased upfront cost or even the $500 lol)

I am so glad that YTB reps one and Two decided July 21st to Give Traverus a Try (silently) You will hear how different it has been for them real soon.

I come across so many people that like the Idea of Travel and cannot afford the YTB price. I just don't want to see people sitting in free rep positions not doing anything when they have an opportunity to get in the Game with Traverus.

Those who are interested in knowing more about Traverus and why so many people find it easier to make money with this complan Give me a call.

Pastor Brewer
International Executive

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